
Independence Days Of Countries

Independence Days Of Countries ★ Pakistan → 14 August 1947 ★ India → 15 August 1947 ★ Canada → 1 July 1867 ★ USA → 4 July 1776 ★ Swaziland → 6 September 1968 ★ Nigeria → 1 October 1960 ★ Austria → 27 April 1945 ★ Belgium → 4 October 1830 ★ Bulgaria → 22 September 1908 ★ Mexico → 16 September 1810 ★ Niger → 3 August 1960 ★ Belarus → 25 August 1991 ★ Peru → 28 July 1821 ★ Sudan → 1 January 1956 ★ Somalia → 1 July 1960 ★ Rwanda → 7 July 1962 ★ Trinidad → 31 August 1962 ★ Uruguay → 25 August 1825 ★ South africa → 31 May 1934, 1994 ★ Suriname → 25 November 1975 ★ Mozambique → 15 June 1975 ★ Cyrus → 16 August 1960 ★ Georgia → 9 April 1991 ★ Cambodia → 9 October 1970 ★ Brunei → 31 December 1983 ★ Myanmar → 4 January 1948#Knowledge Independence Days Of Countries ★ Pakistan → 14 August 1947 ★ India → 15 August 1947 ★ Canada → 1 July 1867 ★ USA → 4 July 1776 ★ Swaziland → 6 September 1968 ★ Nigeria → 1 October 1960 ★ Austria → 27 April 1945 ★ Belgium → 4 Octob

Major Events 1905 To 1947

Major Events 1905 To 194 1905..bengal seperation 1906...Muslim league was formed 1909...Minto Morley Reforms 1913...Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined Muslim league 1913...incident of kanpur war1 start 1916...Lucknow Pact war 1 end 1919...Khilafat movement 1919..rowlet act 1922..Allama iqbal joined ML 1922..incident of chaura chauri 1923..Liaqat Ali Khan joined Muslim league 1927...Simon commission 1927....Delhi proposals 1928...Nehru report 1929...Jinnah's fourteen points 1929...Khudai khidmatgar movement 1930...Allama iqbal speech at Allahabad 1930..First London confrence 1931..Second London conference 1932..Third London conference 1932..Communal award 1932..khaksaar movement or never movement 1934..quaid become permanent president of ML 1935...Govt.of India act 1937..congress ministries 1938..pirpur Report 1938..fatima jinnah joined ML war 2 start 1939..congress ministries resigned of deliverance

AIOU Admission

Allama IQBAL Open University Admission spring 2020 For M.A Program MSc Program BS Program Last Date is 15 April 2020


Rationalization 2020 Government of the Punjab has finalized the rationalization policy for teachers. Teachers transfers will be made based on this policy. According to the rationalization policy, a minimum of 3 teachers shall be made available in each primary school across the province. The transfer and appointment of over 400,000 teachers in the province shall be made in 48 thousands schools in the province. In middle schools, minimum of 5 to 7 teachers shall be appointment for each section out of which teacher for drawing will be compulsory. The policy is designed to give a reasonable workload to every teacher and to ensure a feasible enrollment for each school. Hence the surplus staff of the schools will be shifted to the schools with deficient staff. A single teacher will be appointed for Nursery and class-I of classes with enrollment up to 50. Rationalization formula for Primary Schools: Minimum 03 teachers in each primary school04 teachers for schools with enrollment 81-

Education Related Abbreviations

Education Related Abbreviations ★ SED: School Education Department ★SLOs: Student Learning Outcomes ★ DRC: District Review/Recruitment Committee ★ ACR: Annual Confidential Report ★ PER: Performance Evaluation Report ★ ETTE: English for Teaching and Teaching for English ★ PD: Program Director/Professional Development ★ CPD: Continuous Professional Day ★ RPM: Regional Program Director ★ TPR: Total Physical Response ★ ABT: Activity Based Teaching ★ ABL: Activity Based Learning ★ STSE: Science Technology Society Environment ★ PITE: Provincial Institute of Teacher Educator ★ SMC: School Management Committee ★ PEELI: Punjab Education English Language Initiative ★ QD: Quality Drive ★ LND: Literacy Numeracy Drive ★ TE: Teacher Educator ★ DTE: District Teacher Educator ★ PEC: Punjab Examination Commission ★ PEEDA: Punjab Employees Efficiency Discipline and Accountability (2006) ★ LPR: Leave Proprietary Retirement ★ PRSO: The Punjab Removal from Service Ordinance (2009)

School Report Card

SED Punjab Report Card School Result Card Final exam Report Download Report Card In PDF Format


CSS PAKISTAN AFFAIRS MCQs 01. Sirhindi birthdate=26 June 1564 02. Din e Elahi=Akbar 03. Causes of Indian Revolt=1860 04. Deoband=1866 05. Pak Coastline=650 miles 06. Pak membership in SCO=9 June 2016 07. Pak Nuclear tests=28 May 1998 08. Year of more terrorists attacks=2004-2005 09. Zarb e Azab started on=15 June 2014 10. SAARC summit of Nov 2016= 11. Qatar-Pak gas pipeline deal= 12. Mumbai attacks=2008 13. Soviet troops withdrawal starting date= 14. Article 370 revoked on=5th Aug 2019 15. FY 2018-19, mutee growth rate=2.9% 16. Living below national poverty line= 17. Amendment of FATA merger= 18. 18th Amendment became part of COP on= 19. Article of free & compulsory education for ages 5-16= 20. Ranking of Pak by WHO out of 190 countries in health sector=