01. Bismillah 2 times in=Surah e Naml
02. Longest verse in=Surah Baqara
03. Surahs with Huroof e Muqattihat=
04. Umrahs by Prophet PBUH=4
05. First Book on Math=Muhammad bin Musa Al Khwarzimi
06. Two prayers emphasized=Fajar & Asar
07. Bilal RA set free by=Abu Bakar RA
08. Most important unit od Islamic code of life=family
09. Number of abrogated verses by Shah Waliullah=10
10. Share of mother=1/8
11. Orator of Prophet=Zaid bin Sabit RA
12. Another name of Masjid Quba=
13. Abu Sufyan embraced Islam on=Conquest of Makkah
14. First Amir of Hajj=Abubakar RA
15. Hajj obligation=9th Hijri
16. Safia RA arrested in=Uhud war
17. Most mentioned in Quran=Musa AS
18. Bani Israel, children of=Yaqoob AS
19. Tradition having chain to Prophet=Mutawatir
20. Imam Darul Hijrat=Imam Malik


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