01. Our galaxy=spiral, elliptical, lenticular
02. Humidity=polarimeter, psychometer, hydrometer
03. Electromagnetic radiation having higher energy than visible radiation=infrared, microwave, X-rays
04. Bond of H2O=Ionic, metallic, non-polar covalent
05. P type semi-conductor=Germanium, Gallium, Silicon
06. Minus 70 C temperature in atmosphere layer=mesosphere, troposphere, thermosphere
07. Not sedimentary rock=limestone, sandstone, granite
08. Electromagnetic radiation absorbed by greenhouse gases=infrared, ultraviolet, visible radiation
09. Water-borne viral deseases=typhoid, cholera, hepatitis A
10. WHO permitted concentration of arsenic in drinking water=10 ,  100,  200   ug/l
11. Not a type of output file obtained as processed date=spreedsheat, charts&graphs, maps
12. Set of programms consist of full set of documentation=database,  file,  software package
13. Primary consideration of knowledge-based AI system=analogy, efficacy, efficiency
14. Size of MAC address in computer network=16, 32, 48 bits
15. Non-reducing sugar=maltose, sucrose, glucose
16. Unsaturated fat=cheese, butter, vegetable ghee
17. Blood clotting vitamin= A,   C,    K
18. Planets between Earth & sun=mercury and venus
19. Aedes aegypti transmits=malaria, dengue fever, typhoid fever
20. Cell organelle as powerhouse of cell=mitochondria, ribosome, plastids


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