Largest And Longest

Largest and Longest

Largest Planet: Jupiter
Largest Continent: Asia
Largest Ocean: Pacific
Largest Desert: Sahara
Largest Country by area: Russia
Largest Democracy: India
Largest Muslim Country by land area: Kazakhstan
Largest Island: Greenland
Largest Peninsula: Arab Peninsula
Largest Lake: Caspian Sea
Largest Freshwater Lake: Superior
Largest Artificial Lake: Volta Lake
Largest Sea: Philippine Sea
Largest Bay (by area): Bay of Bengal
Largest Delta: Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta
Largest Gulf: Gulf of Mexico
Largest River: Amazon
Largest Railway Station: Grand Central Terminal of New York
Largest Active Volcano: Mauna Loa
Largest Library: Congress Library
Largest Glacier: Lambert
Largest Land Mammal: African Elephant
Largest Sea Mammal: Blue Whale
Largest International Organization: United Nations Organization
Largest Bird: Ostrich
Largest Army of the World: People's Republic of China
Largest Joint: Knee
Largest Bone: Femur
Largest Forest: Taiga
Longest Mountain Range: Andes
Longest Bridge: Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge
Longest Canal: The Grand Canal (China)
Longest River (Asia): Yangtze
Country with Longest Coastline: Canada
Longest Wall: Great Wall of China
Longest Cell: Nerve Cells
Smallest Planet: Mercury
Smallest Continent: Australia
Smallest Ocean: Arctic Ocean
Smallest Country by Area: Vatican City
Country with Smallest Population: Vatican City
Smallest Republic: Nauru
Smallest Bird: Humming Bird
Smallest Joint: Stapes
Smallest Bone: Stapes or Stirrup
Lowest Point: Dead Sea
Brightest Planet: Venus
Planet closest to earth: Venus
Hottest Planet: Venus
Coldest Planet: Neptune
Most Populous country: China
Most Populous Muslim country: Indonesia
Language with most Alphabets: Khmer (Cambodian)
Oldest Civilization: Sumerian (Mesopotamian)
Country with most Islands: Indonesia
Highest Lake: Titicaca
Highest Mountain Range: Himalaya
Highest Mountain Peak: Mount Everest
Highest Waterfall: Angel Falls
Highest Point: Mount Everest
Plateau with highest Elevation: Tibetan Plateau
Tallest Animal: Giraffe
Tallest Tree: Redwood
Tallest Building: Burj Al-Khalifa
First Person to reach North Pole: Robert Edwin Peary
First Person to reach South Pole: Roald Amundsen
First man to walk on the Moon: Neil Armstrong
First Satellite in Space: Sputnik I
First human to journey into Outer Space: Yuri Gagarin
First woman in Space: Valentina Tereshkova
First Person to reach both Poles: Robert Swan.


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